The familiar Lee’s Summit Firefighter boots will be walking the streets of Downtown Lee’s Summit this week.

Members of the Lee’s Summit Fire Department and the Lee’s Summit Firefighters Association IAFF #2195 will be a fixture at the to the four corners of Third and Douglas streets this week for the annual Holiday Boot Block, which runs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 19-21 in support of Lee’s Summit Firefighters Charities, which directly benefits Lee’s Summit Social Services, a local nonprofit that serves Lee’s Summit and surrounding communities through weekly grocery programs, rent and utility assistance and other emergency needs.

For three days, firefighters will be volunteering their time during the busy holiday season in downtown Lee’s Summit with their boots in hand, taking change, bills and even offering a QR code to donate directly to the fund.

“These are three days each year our entire community look forward to,” LSSS Executive Director Megan Salerno said. “All these firefighters are out here on their own time collecting for the betterment of the community and families that they may never meet. We are extremely grateful that they come out year after year in support of our organization.”

IAFF #2195 President Bryce Buchanan said he and his crew are always eager for the event, one that always include interactions with thousands of cars, holiday shoppers, downtown business owners and children who marvel at seeing the firefighters.

“We humbly ask that if able please come through and make a donation,” Buchanan said. “We have over four decades of partnership with Lee’s Summit Social Services and are excited to again be collecting in amazing Downtown Lee’s Summit.”

Last year, the firefighters presented a check to LSSS for more than $30,500. For more information on LSSS, visit
