Drug Take Back

October 21, 2023 Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dispose of medications responsibly, safely and confidentially and help keep our water supply clean. Prescription, over-the-counter and pet medication will be accepted. Vape and e-cigarette devices…

History Museum Photo Giveaway

October 21, 2023 The History Museum held a successful photo giveaway in July. There are still several boxes of mostly unidentified photographs of weddings, sporting events, organizations, meetings and many other topics. On October 26th, 27th and 28th these photos will be…

100th Lone Jack Oyster Supper

October 7, 2023 The Annual Oyster Supper will be celebrated as the Lone Jack Civic Club continues Lone Jack’s many years of community service. For over 100 years, various organizations and folks of Lone Jack have continued this tradition of working together…

5th Annual Feed Lee’s Summit

September 30, 2023 The Rotary Clubs of Lee’s Summit will be hosting Feed Lee’s Summit on November 10, 2023, at the John Knox Village Pavilion. This will be Feed Lee’s Summit’s fifth annual event which historically has raised over $429,000. Feed Lee’s…