April 11, 2020 Dear Editor, We don’t live in Lee’s Summit but my wife and I visit often and support the local businesses. Last fall we had an issue in town and unfortunately we had to call the Lee’s Summit Police. To…
February 8, 2020 Kindness – to act humanly, be considerate of others. It only takes a few seconds to show kindness; opening a door, picking up a dropped item, volunteering, donating, and reaching out to others. Kindness is the word for the…
Feb. 6, 2020 It has been an absolute pleasure meeting with Lee’s Summit residents and organizations during this campaign to learn more about their vision for our community and to share my plans for how I intend to represent them and lead…
January 11, 2020 Subject: “Angels We Have Heard On High” Part 2 – Historical Revelation of God’s Glory Luke 2:11 “There is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” People today, as…
January 4, 2020 Subject: Entering 2020: “Angels We Have Heard On High” Part 1 – Being Confronted with God’s Glory Luke 2:9 “The glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.” As we enter a new year it’s…
December 21, 2019 Subject: Why Christmas is My Favorite Holiday: Jesus Christ Alone is Sufficient Evidence that God Exists 1Corinthians 2:2 “I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” J. Warner Wallace is one of the…
November 30, 2019 Mr. Starke, Thank you for the quick response. It’s unfortunate my Association’s dollars are being spent on legal fees to refuse my request to inspect our Association’s finances. The big shocker was in your third paragraph. You state I…
November 30, 2019 Subject: The True Meaning of Thanksgiving. Don’t Let Our PC Culture Fool You 2Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” In 2007, the Seattle Public School System issued a letter to all teachers from Caprice Hollins,…
November 30, 2019 You have likely heard recently about some people experiencing breathing problems, lung injury, and even death following vaping, or use of electronic cigarettes. Although not all of the details are clear at this time, we want you to be…
May 25, 2019 Subject: To Squash the False Accusations of Racism? Follow Jesus Christ John 4:9 “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” As more Presidential candidates are joining the 2020 election campaign,…