Next week begins our second engagement series in our Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP) process. We look forward to continuing to gather important and valuable feedback around informal facilities and learning concepts as well as potential boundary ideas. The series format will be interactive, with opportunities for small group dialogue.
As a reminder, here are the engagement series locations and times:
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
• October 8, 2018: LSN commons
• October 9, 2018: LSHS performing arts center
• October 10, 2018: LSW field house
• October 11, 2018: MIC conference center
It is important to us that we release informal solutions around facilities and learning as well as potential boundary options to our staff, families and community today so that you can review them prior to attending the second engagement series. These informal solutions are starting points from which we will continue to refine based on our engagement efforts and further analysis.
We have posted our informal ideas for both facilities and learning and boundary options on our CFMP webpage:
On the webpage you will be able to see potential solutions and also offer direct comments on our feedback forms. We have also outlined objective criteria to guide decision making around boundary considerations.
The CFMP team has been working diligently with the administration and planning partners to help develop these informal solutions and ideas. Please take some time to review the ideas and then provide thoughts on what we’ve developed.
In conjunction with our in-person engagement series events next week, and the solutions feedback forms on our webpage, today launches our “informal solutions” online survey. This survey will be open October 5-19. You can visit the survey at
Thank you for staying connected to our process. Your input is valuable and we will continue to shape our process and ideas around our community’s feedback. We hope to see you next week to continue the conversation!