Greetings on this snow day! This is a quick reminder about our CFMP Engagement Series III forums that begin tonight.

The Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP) team has been analyzing all of the feedback we’ve gathered through our second engagement series. We’ve evaluated our second online survey, our in-person engagement series notes and our online feedback forms from each of the potential boundary options and facility and learning options. We also received updated enrollment projections in October. The current recommendations utilize this new data, modifying our informal solutions into what is presented as our Phase I recommendations.

On the CFMP webpage ( you can now see our phase one recommendations. You can provide feedback on any of the options through our online feedback form on the CFMP webpage. These recommendations will also be presented in-person during our community meetings this week.

The third opportunity for survey input through our Thoughtexchange forum is also now open. The Thoughtexchange forum allows families, staff and community members to respond to an open question and rate others’ thoughts. This forum coincides with the release of our phase one recommendations and will run concurrently with Engagement Series III. The Thoughtexchange and online feedback form will close on November 29, at 10 p.m.

As a reminder, our third engagement series dates and times are below:
Engagement Series III
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 27 – Missouri Innovation Campus
Wednesday, November 28 – Missouri Innovation Campus
Thursday, November 29 – Missouri Innovation Campus (changed due to space opening up)

It has been important to us to release recommendations around facilities and learning as well as potential boundary options to our staff, families and community so that you can review them prior to attending our engagement series. These recommendations have been refined based on our engagement efforts, staff and community input, data analysis, and CFMP team discussions.

We are listening and making decisions based on the feedback we’re receiving. Your input is valuable and we will continue to shape our process and ideas around our community’s feedback.

Thank you for staying connected to this process! We hope to see you this week.
