March 14, 2020 ~ 7:43 p.m.

In response to COVID-19 concerns, the City of Lee’s Summit is taking additional steps to ensure the health of our community and the continuity of City services. On March 13, Jackson County amended their COVID-19 State of Emergency to limit public gatherings to no more than 250 persons. This includes the City of Lee’s Summit. The City is further encouraging residents to refrain from public gatherings, regardless of the number in attendance.
Understanding that water is crucial to good hygiene practices, the City is ensuring customers have uninterrupted access to Water Utility services. The City is suspending water disconnects for non-payment until further notice.
During this time, the City encourages the use of resources available on the City’s website. Online services include certain permits, business license applications, payment of water bills and court fines.
Due to social distancing recommendations from public health experts surrounding COVID-19, the City is taking additional steps to prevent the potential spread of the virus.
Parks and Recreation has postponed all recreational programming, activities, leagues, events, childcare and rentals including all adult and youth activities, fitness classes and paid programming. All community centers will be closed effective March 16 through March 27. This closure includes Lea McKeighan North/Summit Ice. Shelter rentals have also been cancelled. Parks and Recreation will work with the Youth Sports Associations as they determine their course of action for spring programs.
The 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Jackson County has postponed municipal court cases through March 27. The Lee’s Summit Municipal Division will continue to take payments, process compliance letters to the Missouri Department of Revenue for suspended licenses, issue warrants, process records requests, collect bond, disburse outside agency bond, hold in-custody hearings and arraignments, enter citations and issue summons.
Scheduled City board and commission meetings without necessary action items are postponed until further notice. City Council will still convene on March 17. Public comments regarding a City Council agenda item can be submitted in advance by emailing the City Clerk’s office at [email protected]. Comments must be received by 5 p.m. on March 16. Scheduling of future meetings will be evaluated as conditions change.
The City asks members of our community to be diligent in the cleaning and disinfection of high-touch areas and to take measures to facilitate proper social distancing (give six feet).
Residents should stay informed and ensure they are receiving information from reliable sources. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Jackson County Health Department offer up-to-date information on their websites and social media. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has activated a 24/7 phone hotline for the public or providers to receive information or guidance related to COVID-19. The hotline is reached at 877.435.8411. A COVID-19 information page is available at with prevention tips, CDC videos and links to information sources.
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