The Lee’s Summit community is invited to a ribbon cutting celebration on Saturday, Mar. 22, at 10 a.m. at Lee’s Summit Christian Church located at 800 NE Tudor Road. The event marks the beginning of an exciting partnership between the Lee’s Summit Ministerial Alliance and Lee’s Summit Social Services to grow fresh produce at the garden to offer guests at the LSSS food pantry throughout the growing year. Come sign up to be a volunteer, hear from leaders from each organization, and enjoy some coffee and donuts before the ribbon is officially cut! The garden, and this event, are located nearest the back/northeast parking lot of the church. The rain out date is the following Saturday, Mar. 29, at 10 a.m.

The Lee’s Summit Ministerial Alliance is an organization of Christian pastors and lay ministers in the community of Lee’s Summit, which gathers monthly for prayer and fellowship, to promote understanding and unity among the various churches and their leaders, to provide a Christian presence within the community, and to provide charity to those in need.

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