February 5, 2022
Prairie Chapter, the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) in Lee’s Summit awarded the DAR Medal of Honor to Dr. Robert “Bud” Hertzog, on Saturday January 15, 2022, at the First Baptist Church in Lee’s Summit, MO.
Dr. Hertzog served 40 years on the Lee’s Summit R-7 School Board, 16 years in the Missouri House of Representatives, and involved in over 29 organizations. He is currently involved with 15 affiliations including three American veterinary associations, Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, Lee’s Summit Historical Society and Rotary Club. Those who know Dr. Hertzog describe a man who is humble, kind, generous, honest, a leader and man of faith.
The ceremony opened with the Lee’s Summit High School’s JROTC Cadets presenting the colors followed the National Anthem performed acapella by Lainie Franklin, the Chapter’s Recording Secretary.
Guest Speakers that day included Dr. Blake McKinney, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lee’s Summit. Kristie Bray Larson, Former Director of Education with the American Royal Association. Additional guest speakers included Former Lee’s Summit High School principal, Dr. John M. Faulkenberry, P.H.D. and Representative Dan Stacy of Missouri District 031 who presented a proclamation from the Missouri House of Representatives.
Regent Cindy Williams read a proclamation from Mayor William A. Baird of Lee’s Summit along with congratulatory messages from Denise Doring VanBuren, President General of the NSDAR, Joan Magee the Missouri State Regent and Governor Michael L. Parson of Missouri. Dr. Hertzog’s biography was given by Jane Pritchett Chapter Librarian, followed by the DAR Medal of Honor presentation.
The DAR Medal of Honor is the NSDAR’s most prestigious honor given to an adult male or female who is a United States citizen by birth and has shown extraordinary qualities of leadership, trustworthiness, service and patriotism. The recipient must have made unusual and lasting contributions to our American Heritage by truly giving of themselves to his or her community, state, country, and fellowman.
For further information on membership in Prairie Chapter contact them at: [email protected].
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