Tina Walcutt and John Payne of Door Systems presented a check to Cordell Dick, Director of Major Gifts and Linda Harrelson, Head of Summit Christian Academy

By Kari Simpson,
Digital Marketing Inc.

Door Systems Inc., a locally owned and family operated door and window company in Lee’s Summit, believes in the mission and values put forth by Summit Christian Academy (SCA) and commits to furthering the education of pre-school to high school level children in the Kansas City area. By donating $5000 to Phase 1 of the Legacy of Faith campaign, Door Systems is helping SCA to educate more students and build a larger facility.

Named a Top Five Private School in the Kansas City area by the Kansas City Business Journal, Summit Christian Academy has seen their secondary school enrollment double in the last five years. The Legacy of Faith campaign’s goal is to add ten new classrooms, music rooms, a gym and athletic facility enhancements over the next ten years in order to reach more students and better serve their current student body of 800 students. The 58,000 square foot building addition will allow SCA to reach more students in the Lee’s Summit area and continue to uphold the standards of excellence in education, the arts and athletics.

Parents and teachers speak highly of the quality curriculum at Summit Christian Academy. “Our family is so thankful for Summit Christian Academy. It has been a major part of our lives for over 10 years,” says Stacy Crabtree, mother of two SCA students. “My daughter graduated from SCA in 2007 with 18 actual college credit hours she was able to take with her to Baylor University. She was prepared for the hard work expected there and did very well. My son has attended since Kindergarten and this is his home. He has been involved in the soccer program for years, but more recently has jumped in to the music program full force. SCA has so much to offer each student and with the level of instruction our students are receiving I’s at state competitions in academics, music, and art and our sports teams are also making a name for our school.”

Door Systems is passionate about providing the students of Lee’s Summit with an opportunity to receive top-notch education in a positive environment. The students at Summit Christian Academy consistently rank well above the national average on both the SAT and ACT and have access to 70 hours of dual-credit college curriculum. The addition of ten new classrooms will generate more opportunities for quality learning in a positive environment.

For 48 years, Door Systems Inc. of Lee’s Summit has provided complete garage door sales and service including exceptional exterior door and window repair and replacement. Door Systems is one of the of the most established door and window companies in Lee’s Summit, bringing beauty to our area through a full range of garage door and window services and a commitment to high quality customer service. Pat and Jim Payne, owners of Door Systems Inc., want to assist in the improvement of their community of Lee’s Summit as well, through charitable donations to assist the community in providing high-quality educations, like the programs found at Summit Christian Academy. They believe that investing in the education of the youth in the Lee’s Summit area is an investment in Lee’s Summit itself, as several of these students will go on to be community leaders, entrepreneurs and are the future of Lee’s Summit.

For more information about Door Systems Inc. and their passion for the Lee’s Summit community, contact Jim Payne at 816-524-8535 or send him an email at [email protected]. Additional information can be found on Door Systems Inc. at https://www.doorsystemsinc.com.
