February 21, 2019
By Fred Liggett
[email protected]
The corner of Fourth and SE Main Streets in Downtown Lee’s Summit saw a “Hail Mary” pass with just seconds left and it was caught for a touchdown. That’s the message from the American Garage Bar owners to their many fans as the venue announced it was staying open. Leading up to the message on Thursday afternoon the owners had debated on closing or relocating the American Garage Bar. Fans of the popular venue were invited to a celebration party on Friday, Feb. 22.
For Scott DeVouton who has performed several times since the place opened says, “American Garage was a champion of live music, Downtown Lee’s Summit is better today for the spirit and vibe it helped create.”
The American Garage Bar & Grill opened in 2012 at 401 SE Main St. Co-owner Mary DiMaggio says, “Thank you to the staff and especially our customers who have helped us stay open all this time.” Co-owner Russell DiMaggio hung many artifacts from the ceiling helping set the bar apart from others in the area.
News of the bar’s plans to possibly close the location spread quickly throughout the downtown area and among its regular customers. Upon learning of the bar’s decision to remain open Lee’s Summit resident Teresa Schumaker said, “That is so exciting ‘cause I love going there to hear the bands.”
A big part that American Garage has played during the last seven years was hosting benefits for local people and area organizations. Examples include a Puerto Rico food drive where the community brought enough to load three food trucks. A benefit for an eight year old leukemia patient, a rooftop event that lasted only two hours to reach its goal which benefited the VFW. Others to benefit from American Garage events have been the Flight Angel program and the Wounded Warriors project.
A Sunday Blues Jam and Taco Tuesday are just a couple of the popular reasons for visitors to make the American Garage part of their evening plans. Downtown LS fans are welcome to stop by and create more memories at the corner at Fourth & SE Main Streets.
Ann Trigg
February 22, 2019 - 6:06 pmAre there Blues Jams there every Sunday……or how often?
February 23, 2019 - 9:15 amBeen by there.we will have to stop in and try it.
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