Oct. 12, 2020
By Assistant Chief Jim Eden
Lee’s Summit Fire Department

On Monday, October 12, 2020, at 7:46 p.m. the Lee’s Summit Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire in the 800 Block of NE Bryant Drive. The occupants of the home were alerted when the smoke alarms sounded and the doorbell started to ring. Investigation by the occupants found smoke on the second floor coming from the attic. The occupants called 911 and evacuated the house.
When the fire department arrived, heavy smoke was coming from the attic of a two-story, single family residence. All occupants were safe outside.
Firefighters initially entered the building to fight the fire in the attic and second floor, but were removed from the building to fight the fire from a defensive position, after the fire burned through the roof, weakening the structure. Once the fire was knocked down, crews re-entered the building for final extinguishment and overhaul. The fire was reported out at 9:26 p.m.
The fire heavily damaged the attic and second floor, with smoke and water damage throughout the remainder of house. The heaviest damage was to the finished attic area over the garage. The Lee’s Summit Fire Department and the Missouri State Fire Marshal’s office are investigating the cause of the fire.
Taking it to the Streets provided rehab support to on scene personnel.
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