February 27, 2021
The best known Fish Fry in the Midwest, St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church’s Lenten Fish Fry, is morphing due to COVID-19 this year.
Fish fry aficionado Deacon David Rennicke, recalls prior year fish frys, “For the last several years, fish along with mac and cheese were flying out of here every Friday night during Lent. We had busloads of guests from around Missouri and Kansas come to enjoy our cuisine on Lenten Friday nights.”
This year, due to the pandemic, volunteers cannot organize and maintain sufficient social distancing, so the parish has organized a “REVERSE FISH FRY.” Rennicke said, “We are asking for something different. We are asking our enthusiastic and generous guests to take the money they would have spent at the fish fry and buy cans of tuna and boxes of mac and cheese. After collecting the food, they may simply drop it off at the church during Lent.”
The church will place a shopping cart on its sidewalk and a “Tuna tub” plastic container near its front door. The church is located at 777 NE Blackwell Road, just south of Legacy Park in eastern Lee’s Summit.
For those who prefer to make a donation, mail checks to the church or make donations online at stmos.org. Deacon Paul “The Big Kahuna Tuna” Muller has volunteered to do the shopping with the donated funds. The mailing address is: 777 NE Blackwell Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086.
Because the need for food has increased due to pandemic-related job losses, the church is challenging individuals and families to consider donating their weight in tuna, other canned meats, mac and cheese or other shelf stable fish fry favorites that will be donated to organizations focused on aiding food insecure individuals and families. There are three fun and creative levels to participate:
Saint (donate your weight in food or funds)
Blessed (donate half your weight in food or funds)
Servant of God (donate $40 in food or funds)
“No one will be asked to tell their weight, we don’t judge anybody.” Rennicke declared. “However, we do hope people donate at their Fat Tuesday weight.”
The 2021 Confirmation candidates, in service to the community, also will aid the parish’s efforts to collect donations. “We are counting on them to help in organizing and delivering the food,” said Deacon Paul.
Donations will be accepted at the parish from now until Good Friday.
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