The honor roll lists for Graceland University’s 2024 fall term have been announced.

Maci Craig of Lee’s Summit, has been named to the Dean’s List. Graceland University students with a GPA between 3.25 and 3.64 are named to the dean’s list.

Students with a GPA between 3.65 and 3.99 are named to the Honors List. Graceland commends the students who have devoted their efforts and talents to their academic success:
Yajayra Garcia of Lee’s Summit
Sabriah Hasam of Lee’s Summit
Alyson Rathbun of Lee’s Summit
Kali Saban of Lee’s Summit

Liam Frank of Lee’s Summit, has been named to the President’s List. Graceland University students with a perfect 4.0 grade point average are named to the President’s List.

The Graceland University President’s List students represent a diverse range of academic disciplines, reflecting Graceland’s commitment to a well-rounded and comprehensive educational experience. Their achievements highlight the University’s dedication to providing a challenging and intellectually stimulating environment that nurtures the growth and development of future transformational leaders.

Founded in 1895 and sponsored by Community of Christ, Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa, is more than just a school. It is a community of passionate, caring and dedicated individuals who put their relationships with students first. Campuses are located in Lamoni, Iowa, and Independence, Missouri. For more information and to see additional student achievements, follow @gracelandu on Twitter and like Graceland University on Facebook, or visit
