Letter to Editor / Opinion

August 27, 2022

By Joe Creamer

As I close out the evening I had a couple of thoughts come to mind in regards to our great community here in Raytown.

For many years the Walters family has been involved in Raytown Politics and I have to ask what’s the greatest accomplishment that Raytown has benefitted from Al Walters and Greg Walters service on the Raytown Board of Alderman? In conclusion of that brief thought, I can think of nothing other than a negative viewpoint throughout the metro area. As I was contemplating the Walters contribution to the community I thought back to the Mike Sanders case of a former county legislator who was convicted of money laundering and thought, gosh I remember Greg Walters name in that case.

What I can say is that there’s been no conviction of Greg in the case it has led Greg to transfer ownership of the company to his daughter. Now I’m not the most educated person in the world and I consider myself street smart and I think that the timing of the transfer of the business has a strange timing. From talking to friends in the judicial system I have discovered that that’s still an open case and in fact Greg Walters may still be under investigation.

Now I sit back and ask myself, why haven’t the citizens of Raytown asked Greg to pull back the veil of secrecy and answer some hard questions? As we approach silly season (election time) how many people will ask Greg about his involvement? How many supporters of him can honestly say what he did to make Raytown better? Inquiring minds want to know?

Joe Creamer, Raytown, MO
