Feb. 16, 2019

The Herndon Career Center Culinary team recently took first place out of 10 teams at the Wysong Hospitality Culinary Academy Regional Student Culinary Competition held at the Johnson County Community College Hospitality Academy Competition. The HCC team was the only team to earn the gold standard for culinary excellence at the competition.
Culinary team members include Trinity Commack, Lauren Penner, MarShawn Burnett, Haleigh Dyer, and Eriq Young.
“The team’s performance was nothing short of excellent even with all the snow days and the lack of time working on the all the good things that make a great dish,” said Culinary Arts Instructor Chef Mike Chrostowski. “I am very proud of this team who has zero quit and steps up to challenges daily.”
The team will compete at the ProStart Culinary Missouri State Competition held in Springfield, Missouri, Feb. 20 – 21.
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