“Cop on Top” is a fundraiser for Special Olympics Missouri. LSPD Officers will camp out on the roof of both restaurants starting January 21 from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Michael Isberg and Matt Hargrave will sit atop Habaneros (1008 SE Blue Pwky) while Jeremy Verhulst will be joined by another member of the Lee’s Summit Police Department over on Summit
Hickory Pit BBQ (1012 SE Blue Pwky). (Due to scheduling, his partner is not yet known.)
Please come out and show your support!
For more information please visit: www.somo.org and check out Habaneros and Lee’s Summit Hickory Pit on Facebook: facebook.com/HabanerosLS and facebook.com/thesummithickorypitbbq/?fref=ts