Apr. 20, 2019

Phase II work in the Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP) process is currently underway in our school district. The CFMP team has reconvened to continue providing input and feedback for our process action teams and planning teams that are currently meeting.

The process action teams, as a result of Phase I work in the CFMP, are studying and researching best practices and applicable scenarios for our LSR7 schools. The process action teams and planning teams that are currently meeting are below:

Instructional Framework Team

R-7 Equity Plan Development Team

In process of reviewing equity consultant RFPs. Reminder to view equity process and downloadable information on our new webpage here: https://www3.lsr7.org/equity-plan/

“Future Ready” School Visit Teams

Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Business Roundtable members, teachers and administrators have been visiting other model schools in our region to learn about school structure and learning styles.

Middle School Design Process Action Team

The team is: exploring current facilities needs, realities, and implementation needs; looking at research and professional literature on the topic; touring current middle schools and being present during team meetings surrounded by middle school students so the team remains mindful of the focus of the work; considering facilities and middle school program plans from other school districts; considering the needs of the adolescent learner and seeking to allow these needs to drive any recommendation to the CFMP Team and Board of Education; actively gathering questions and concerns on the topic (within the team and with additional stakeholders over the course of the team’s work); team is looking at what is best for this age group of students relative to their social/emotional needs of students and how programming can support these needs; planning for feedback gathering of various stakeholder groups.

Year-Round School Process Action Team

The team is reviewing previous Process Action Team work around the idea of Year-Round School. Please note the concept of ‘year-round school’ is being explored for certain programs and/or locations. This is a study looking at feasibility, compatibility, structure and the needs of students.

Theme-Based Schools Process Action Team 2

The team is investigating instructional topics that have high-yield outcomes for elementary students through a theme-based school concept. The team is exploring implementation and planning considerations for a theme-based elementary school, determining community support and partnership for a theme-based elementary school, utilizing research when determining instructional programming need, and developing implementation recommendations that align to the developed district and CFMP philosophy and priorities as well as the R7 Instructional Compass and R7 Portrait of a Graduate model.

Expansion of Work Force Ready Preparation Process Action Team 3
Early Childhood Expansion (partnership with Facilities) Team 4
English Language Learners Program Placement Process Action Team

These teams are comprised of students, teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and community members. As they work through their associated teams this spring, they will be reporting out their findings and recommendations.

We look forward to continuing our communication with you as we begin to condense findings and make recommendations throughout April, May and June.
