December 7, 2019

The next get together for the Raytown Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association will be the annual Holiday social Monday, Dec. 9 at 1:30 p.m. at the Raytown Wellness Center, 10301 E. 350 Highway, Raytown MO. 64138. All members and potential members are encouraged to attend. Please bring your favorite holiday snack for sharing. No cost for this meeting.

Dues for 2020 are payable now. We would like to meet our goal for 2020 and to continue to fight for our retirement!! You should have received your dues reminder from MRTA unless you are a life member, opted to pay for 3 years or have signed up for automatic deduction. The yearbooks for next year should be available at the meeting.

We invite you to “like” our Raytown Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association Facebook page. If you would like to be added to the email list to receive updates about MRTA, RRT & SPA or to receive information about the above activities, please send an email to
