1. Call to Order
    Mayor Rasmussen called to order the Board of Alderman Work Session at 7:04 PM on December 03, 2019 in the Council Chambers of the Lake Lotawana Municipal Building.
  2. Roll call
    Lindsey Jorgensen conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
    Mayor Tracy Rasmussen – Present
    Alderman Larry Byrne – Present
    Alderman Jan Rase – Present
    Alderman Jerry Ogilvie – Present
    Alderman Doug Carlson – Present
    Alderman Kymberli Cutler – Absent
    Alderman Lanny Maness – Present
    Lindsey Jorgensen declared a quorum was present.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
    Mayor Rasmussen led the Council Chambers in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Public Speaks
  5. Aldermen Comments
    Alderman Maness commented that he and Alderman Ogilvie will be in attendance at the CID meeting that will be held on Wednesday, December 04, 2019 and questioned if there was any notice to pass along for the Griffin Riley case. He also mentioned Sallee and annexations.
    Alderman Carlson had no comments.
    Alderman Ogilvie questioned if we are able to hold meetings in other locations, like the CID.
    Alderman Rase commented on her appreciation for the trash pick up on Langsford Road. She also questioned the ability to place signs and fines for dumping, as well as no parking signs at Gate 2, due to the fire hydrant.
    Alderman Maness suggested traffic poles.
    Alderman Byrne suggested You’re on Camera signs and questioned an Ordinance regarding parking on the side of the road. He also inquired about the status of a resident’s sewer bill situation.
  6. Mayor Comments
    Mayor Rasmussen commented that the City Administrator search is continuing and will be further discussed in closed session. He also reminded the Board of the upcoming Holiday Party on Thursday.
  7. Banking RFP
    City Attorney, Corey Henry, presented to the Board the continued working relationship with Pinnacle Bank. The Board gave the ok to move forward with a Resolution.
  8. Annexation Discussion
    City Attorney, Corey Henry, presented to the outlying locations and discussed voluntary and involuntary annexation. The Board questioned a possibility of a promotional brochure, sewers, and gave the guidance to receive a task order from Dan Miller for the SE corner of Highway 7 and Colbern.
  9. Foxberry Phase 1 Road Acceptance
    City Attorney, Corey Henry, presented the staff report to the Board.
  10. Sidewalk along Lake Lotawana Rd – Discussion
    City Attorney, Corey Henry, presented a quick introduction to the Board. Alderman Maness presented more in depth. The Board agrees to move forward with research into the accounting side of the donations as well as ADA regulations.
  11. Adjournment

Alderman Rase made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Ogilvie seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 PM with the following votes:
AYE: Byrne, Rase, Ogilvie, Carlson, Maness
NAY: None

Minutes submitted by: Lindsey Jorgensen
Minutes approved by: Mayor Rasmussen
