April 6, 2024
Have you heard of Diane Rose, the totally blind quilter? She will be speaking and teaching at Lee’s Summit Quilter’s Guild Monday morning, Apr. 8 at 9 a.m.
She will be demonstrating how she works on a sewing machine and does hand-stitching. She will have quilts and items for sale.
Vision-impaired with glaucoma all her life, Rose became blind as a result of an accident in 1984, a mere four days before she was to undergo a cornea transplant. Not only has that condition not slowed her down, she has used it to serve as a means to motivate others to achieve their true potential.
The Quilter’s Guild meets on the second non-holiday Monday of each month 9 a.m. at Woods Chapel United Methodist Church, located at 4725 NE Lakewood Way in Lee’s Summit. Visitors are welcomed. For more information, visit LSQG.blogspot.com.
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