July 18, 2022

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. has issued the following statement today expressing his support for the County Legislature’s adoption of Resolution 21007, which supports abortion and other reproductive rights, opposes the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and urges federal elected officials to codify abortion rights and other reproductive rights:
“The Supreme Court’s erroneous actions have put the lives of millions of women – including my wife, sisters, daughters and granddaughters – at risk. I wholeheartedly commend the five members of the Legislature for their courageous and compelling voices in support of a woman’s right to choose what’s best for her body.
“As elected officials we have a responsibility to act on behalf of those who are targets of injustice and inequality. Women and their bodies deserve to be protected, not endangered in a game of politics. We cannot allow the political ambitions of a few to control the reproductive freedom of millions of women.
“Today’s vote by the Legislature sends a strong message to the women we represent and love that they are not alone in this fight. Together, we are committed to doing everything we can in Jackson County and across America to restore a woman’s right to make her own reproductive health decisions.”
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