April 3, 2020 ~7:37 p.m.
By Marshanna Smith
Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. has issued the following statement on Governor Mike Parson’s statewide stay-at-home order:

“I would like to thank Governor Mike Parson for taking the difficult, yet urgent action our state desperately needs during this public health emergency. All Missourians must heed the call to stay at home and avoid contact with others. It is the only way we can stop the spread of this virus, flatten the curve and save lives. Now is not the time to be defiant or selfish. We must all come together, follow the rules and take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and our neighbors. The people of our counties, cities and communities across the state are strong, compassionate and loving. In this time of crisis, our health care workers are depending on us to do what’s right. We must give them a fighting chance to beat COVID-19. Do not let our heroes down Missouri – Stay Strong, Stay Safe, Stay Home.”
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