It’s a little known fact that citizens of Lee’s Summit, Raytown, Independence and other cities who have an emergency and are in need of an ambulance could have a John Knox Village ambulance respond to their call for help.
Lee’s Summit is one of the only areas in the state of Missouri that has an EMS (ground ambulance) response area within another EMS (ground ambulance) response area. The Village takes great pride in providing life-saving care to ANYONE who needs assistance via its ambulance service.
To help educate members of the Village community about this unique service, the John Knox Village Emergency Medical Services department is hosting an open house for the residents and associates of John Knox Village at 2 p.m. Monday, July 2 at The Pavilion, 520 N.W. Murray Road, Lee’s Summit, Missouri. In addition to having ambulances open for tours, members of the EMS team will answer questions. Representatives from Lee’s Summit Emergency Services also are invited to participate in the event.
John Knox Village Emergency Medical Services is licensed by the state of Missouri and serves both Village residents and citizens of Lee’s Summit, Raytown, Independence and other communities.
When local EMS departments are taxed beyond capacity, the Village’s ambulance service can provide assistance.
• JKV EMS operates under the same treatment protocols and medical direction of Lee’s Summit Fire Department. Village paramedics and EMTs stand ready to provide advanced or basic life support on the JKV campus or the community at large.
• Each EMS team includes at least two licensed EMS professionals. One ambulance is staffed 24/7, another is staffed during peak call volume, and, finally, two more ambulances are rotated into service when needed.
• The four ambulances were dispatched to about 3,100 calls in 2017 to provide an array of services, such as handling mutual aid trauma and medical emergencies with advanced life support, transporting stable and critical patients between medical centers, and more. (The majority of the calls came from outside the Village campus)
• It’s interesting to note that although John Knox Village is synonymous with providing care and services to older adults, the EMS team holds a pediatric recognition from the State Advisory Council – Pediatric Subcommittee for maintaining equipment and training to provide skilled emergency care to children.
In addition, the Village provides a variety of opportunities for emergency medical services training, such as paramedic continuing education, special educational events with national speakers and more. The state-accredited training entity provides initial EMT and First Responder classes and is the accrediting agency for the EMT class at Herndon Career Center in Raytown.
The open house has been planned to help residents learn more about the Village’s emergency medical services as well as a way to educate them about an upcoming fundraiser – the 2018 John Knox Village Gala: Stayin’ Alive, which is set for 6 p.m. Saturday, July 21 at The Pavilion at John Knox Village. Proceeds from the event will be used to purchase a new ambulance and other life-saving equipment.
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