November 16, 2024

The Lee’s Summit City Council met November 12 to discuss these issues.

Joint Operations Facility Public Hearing
A preliminary development plan for the Lee’s Summit Joint Operations Facility was presented to City Council. The 43,600 square-foot Joint Operations Facility will be located at 2 NE Tudor Road on land west of Lee’s Summit Police Headquarters. It will function as a central command for emergency preparedness, management and disaster management, and day-to-day emergency response coordination. The facility would house Fire Department Administration and Training teams, City Emergency Operations, the Traffic Operations Center and a co-located Fire and Police Communication Center. It is equipped with a weather-hardened lower level.

Following the public hearing, council gave initial approval to an ordinance approving the preliminary development plan.

Clearance for Redevelopment Authority Presentation and Ordinance
Council heard a presentation from K&R Wholesale Building Materials, a supplier of lumberyard materials, on an application for a Certificate of Qualification tax abatement for a five-year period associated with the construction of a project located within the U.S. 50 Highway and Missouri 291 Highway Urban Renewal Area. The applicant is seeking to relocate an existing business in Kearney, Mo. and develop a 21,250-square-foot industrial space with site improvements on 1.89 acres located at 1460 SE Broadway. This location will become K&R Wholesale Building Materials headquarters. The business projects it will bring 25 new jobs to Lee’s Summit within the next two years.

City Council gave an initial approval to the ordinance approving the issuance of a Certificate of Qualification.

Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Renaming
City Council continued discussion on the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport renaming. The City sees that the airport has grown significantly in operations and the aircraft it serves. Its current name does not accurately represent its function when transitioning from a local facility to a regional hub. Following discussions with the City of Kansas City and the Board of Aeronautic Commissioners, it was recommended the airport be renamed Kansas City – Lee’s Summit Regional.

Following discussion, City Council passed a resolution changing the name of the airport from Lee’s Summit Municipal to Kansas City – Lee’s Summit Regional and to brand the City’s Fixed Base Operator as Summit Aero.

City Council Planning Retreat
Everstrive Solutions, a consulting firm that facilitated a priority setting works for the City Council on Oct. 18 – 19, presented its final report and summary to council. During the retreat council identified its larger priorities as beautification, housing, solid waste and stormwater. Other priorities identified were the board, commission and charter selection process, public safety, internal/external communications and sidewalk/downtown infrastructure. Everstrive made five key recommendations in its report, 1) prioritize research and best practices, 2) reassess committee structure, 3) enhance formal communication channels, 4) revise the board and commission selection process and 5) engage management in priority implementation.

The next meeting is November 19.
