Lee’s Summit North Presents “The Addams Family”
Lee’s Summit North High School kicks off its season this coming weekend with the delightful musical comedy, “The Addams Family.” Based on the characters from the popular TV series of the same name, this musical follows Gomez and Mortica’s daughter, Wednesday Addams, as she grows up, meets a preppy boy and begins to see the world in brighter colors. Filled with all the humor you would expect, the audience truly learns what it’s like “when you’re an Addams.” The show, rated PG, runs at 7 p.m. November 9, 10, 16 and 17 and at 2 p.m. on November 11.
LSHS Presents “Footloose”
Lee’s Summit High School Theatre presents “Footloose,” a musical based on the popular movie about a Chicago dancer’s relocation to a small town where dancing is a crime. The show runs November 9-10 and November 16-18.
Tickets are $6 in advance and $7 at the door. Visit http://lshstheatre.com/box-office/ to purchase tickets online, or you may contact (816) 986-2059 or [email protected] for more information or group reservations.