By Assistant Chief Jim Eden
Lee’s Summit Fire Department

On Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 3:58 p.m. the Lee’s Summit
Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire in the 1000 Block of SE 3 rd Terrace. The occupant called 911 to report a fire in the kitchen, after being alerted by the smoke alarms.

When the fire department arrived, smoke and fire was visible from the back of a two-story, split-level house. The only occupant was safe outside.
Crews quickly knocked down the fire in the kitchen and dining room, but the fire had spread to the attic. The attic had been converted for use as storage, and the large amount of contents and limited access made getting to the fire difficult. As the fire spread through the attic it weakened the structure.
Crews fighting the fire were removed from the building to attack the fire from a defensive position outside.
Shortly after, the fire and the weight of the materials in attic caused a portion of the roof to collapse. Once the fire was under control, crews were able to re-enter portions of the building to complete extinguishment. The incident was under control by 5:16 p.m.
The fire originated in the area of the kitchen and caused extensive damage to the kitchen, attic, and upper floor of the house. The cause of the fire was determined to be food left cooking unattended on the stove.

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