Pictured L-R: Standing – Janice Farmer, Bruce Dugan, Paul Watts, Roxie McCray, Kirby Vanatta, Bill Bulse. Seated – Robert Hayter, Gary Hoffman, Shane McCray, and Michael Delacour.

June 24, 2023

Submitted by Robert Hayter

A meeting of the Lee’s Summit Lions Club was held at the Perkins Restaurant on June, 13 2023 and at that meeting new officers were installed by Past District Governor, Bruce Dugan from the Orrick, MO Lions Club.

Officer are as follows: President, Paul Watts; Treasure, Kirby Vanatta; Secretary, Roxie McCray;1st Vice President, Shane McCray; 2nd Vice President, Bill Hulse; Membership Chair, Voyn Breshears; Lion Tamer/Tail Twister, Gary Hoffman; Directors are James Waggoner, Ken Barnett, Janice Farmer, and Harry Voiggts; Press Secretary, Robert Hayter.

This year’s President, Michael Delacour is leaving Lions due to illness and was Presented a plaque for holding office in our club for 4 years and being a Lion for 25 years. Special guests to the meeting were Christine Dugan, Jo Nell Delacour, Dorothy Vanatta, and Shawn Klimt.
