June 15, 2019

Wednesday, June 12 marked another milestone of continued growth within the Lee’s Summit community as Lee’s Summit Medical Center, in partnership with HCP Medical Office Properties, Bremner Real Estate, Turner Construction and Hereford-Dooley Architects, broke ground on a new medical office building. This new space will allow Lee’s Summit Medical Center to bring new medical specialties into our community, while providing space for existing specialties to grow.
“This construction project represents an investment in the high quality, comprehensive, specialty care that we are committed to providing our community,” says John McDonald, FACHE, Chief Executive Officer, Lee’s Summit Medical Center. This construction project will allow Lee’s Summit Medical Center to expand the services we offer to the area we serve, and we are grateful for the support we’ve received from the community.”
Lee’s Summit Medical Center (LSMC) — part of HCA Midwest Health, Kansas City’s leading healthcare provider —provides 24/7 emergency care, is a certified primary stroke center and earned a level II designation by Missouri’s Time Critical Diagnosis System for providing timely, definitive stroke and STEMI care for the best outcomes for survival and recovery. Lee’s Summit Medical Center has more than 500 employees and 300 medical staff physicians who cover a variety of specialties, including orthopedics, cardiology, oncology, imaging, surgical care and more. Lee’s Summit Medical Center consistently ranks high in patient satisfaction and was named as one of the nation’s top performing hospitals on key quality measures and recognized for the fifth consecutive year for exemplary performance in using evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical patients. Lee’s Summit Medical Center was nationally recognized as one of Modern Healthcare’s “100 Best Places to Work 2019,” and locally recognized as “Business of the Year” by the Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce. For more information on Lee’s Summit Medical Center, visit leessummitmedicalcenter.com.
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