March 14, 2020

Lee’s Summit Parks & Recreation (LSPR) is closing all community centers effective March 16 through March 27, due to social distancing recommendations from public health experts surrounding COVID-19. This closure includes Lea McKeighan North/Summit Ice. Facility rentals and activities at these locations have been canceled. Shelter rentals have also been canceled.
As previously communicated, all recreational programming, activities, leagues, and events are postponed until further notice. This includes all adult and youth activities, both indoors and outdoors. LSPR will continue to work with the Youth Sports Associations as they determine their course of action for spring programs.
Staff will be working with patrons to reschedule or provide refunds for programs and rentals impacted by these postponements and closures. LSPR is developing a plan to address memberships affected by this closure and will communicate the plan once finalized.
LSPR will continue to provide periodic updates for the education and awareness of our patrons and employees. Visit, or the City’s coronavirus information page at for information.
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