August 25, 2020

By Katy Bergen
During the Lee’s Summit R-7 Schools Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020, the Board voted 5-2 to provide full-time, in-person learning for grades PK through 3 and virtual instruction for grades 4-12. Board of Education members Ryan Murdock, Kim Fritchie, Julie Doane, Kathy Campbell and Mike Allen voted in favor of the motion. Board members Judy Hedrick and Megan Marshall were opposed.
In addition to the Board’s decision about PK-3 students, the district previously secured approval from the Jackson County Health Department to provide in-person services, as appropriate, to students of all grades in special programs (Communication Language and Social Skills, Elementary and Secondary Life Skills Program, Elementary and Secondary Social Emotional Behavioral Program, Medically Fragile Program, Miller Park Center Programs), as well as in-person support to English Language Learners and some Career and Technical Education classes. Before and After School Services will also provide childcare for LSR7 staff members with children in the district.
Instructional models by grade level:
- Grades PK-3: Students begin school five days a week on Sept. 8. (Pre-K students report four days a week as usual.)
- Grades 4-12: Students in grades 4-12 will begin school in a virtual model on Sept. 8 until the community is no longer in significant community spread, upon which students will transition to a hybrid model. The district will evaluate public health data and criteria on a weekly basis. In a hybrid model, Group A would be last names beginning with A-K and Group B would be L-Z. Students at the same address would be grouped by the last name of the oldest child.
- R-7 Online Academy – All Grades (LSR7’s all-online option): Classes for all grades will begin as anticipated on Sept. 8 and continue through the LSR7’s first semester, which ends Jan. 21, 2021.
The Board made its decision in consideration of the unique needs of LSR7’s youngest students, medical research and expertise from local physicians indicating younger children pose lower risks of transmission, and the district’s ability to implement social distancing protocols and smaller average class sizes in elementary buildings with additional capacity. For more information, visit
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