Letter to the editor,

It’s time for the city of Lee’s Summit and Paragon Star to make it right with the property owners on Quarry Park Rd and Clifford Rd.

Today there are four families living in the area and one business property (Superior Bowen Asphalt Co).

The City of Lee’s Summit and Paragon Star should buy and have full control of these properties.

For years these properties have been neglected by the city of Lee’s Summit.

Now is the time to reclaim this property and build it into something like a new Corporate Woods, Ample Theater, tennis club, hotel convention center (Jackson County), minor-league stadium (T-Bone) and many things that would add value to this area.

This needs to be a joint venture between Kansas City, Missouri and the City of Lee’s Summit.

Several years ago there was a plan put together for Kansas City and Lee’s Summit which incorporated about 550 acres.

The plan needed to start at Lee’s Summit because of the mines and the blight the mines produced.

The neighboring neighborhoods would applaud a plan like this because of the value it would bring to their area.

John Ivey
Treasurer Citizens4Progress
