May 27, 2023

“The Zen Executive: Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership” by Jim Blake has won a SILVER Award in the Business and Leadership category of the 2023 Nautilus Book Awards. Blake is the CEO of Unity World Headquarters, located at Unity Village, which is adjacent to Lee’s Summit.
Nautilus’ mission is to celebrate and honor books that support conscious living and green values, high-level wellness, positive social change and social justice, and spiritual growth. Its motto is “Better Books for a Better World.”

The Zen Executive: Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership is a pithy, portable book with common-sense ideas for aligning business practices with ancient spiritual principles—from a voice of experience. Blake combines his corporate leadership experience with his work at Unity, a global nonprofit, to illustrate ways that leaders can act from compassion and understanding while remaining strong and focused. It is available through Unity Books and Amazon.
Unity was founded in 1889 to help people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. For more than 100 years, Unity has published established authors in New Thought, spirituality, mind-body-spirit, and personal growth. Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village, Missouri, publishes Unity Magazine®, Daily Word®, and Unity Books, providing resources that support its mission of empowering people to realize and express their divine potential for healthy, prosperous, and meaningful lives.
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