April 23, 2022
Longtime teacher Rachl Aguirre has thrown her hat in the ring for the Republican primary on August 2nd. Rachl hopes to become the next conservative state senator in the 8th district for Jackson County.
“Missourians are demanding the freedom to make personal medical decisions for themselves and have greater input in their children’s education,” said Aguirre. “More than ever, recent times have shown us that checks and balances are a vital part of our democracy—and it’s time for the government to be held accountable to We the People. I stand with you. I will fight to defend your rights in the state capitol.”
Aguirre holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and elementary education as well as a master’s in literacy. Alongside her roles as wife and mother, she has dedicated her career to working with special education students and children under the supervision of Jackson County Family Courts. Investing in the next generation is a clear priority for Aguirre.
“The children of today are the decision makers of tomorrow. Radical leftists also recognize this and are busy at work to win the culture war we are currently in. It is vital that we reject Marxist propaganda and instill clear moral values in the classroom. Empowering parents in their children’s education is core to the ideals of freedom and personal responsibility. I will fight for a quality education for every child regardless of their background or learning style.”
Alongside the hot-button issue of education, Rachl is passionate about other conservative issues such as protecting the unborn and upholding pro-life policies. She also stands for the right to bear arms and vows to defend the constitutional rights of all Missourians.
“Here in Missouri, we stand as an shining example that the pro-life movement is strong, but our work is far from over. I will never stop fighting for every unborn child to be protected under the law of the land. Likewise, I support the Second Amendment and the right to self-protection. From fully funding law enforcement to fighting sex trafficking across the state, I will do everything in my power to make Missouri a safe place for families to call home.”
A lifelong Missourian, Aguirre’s community involvement includes serving as a Special Olympics coach and as a volunteer for the Tim Tebow Foundation. She is an active member of her church and spends much time on a task force dedicated to shutting down human trafficking. Atop it all, she works as manager of the family construction business.
“I deeply care about our community and want to see our local businesses thrive. As a lifelong Missourian, I understand and appreciate our way of life here in the Show-Me State. Despite the socialist rhetoric of Biden and Pelosi, here in the Midwest we want less government, not more. A vote for me is a vote for the traditional Missouri values of freedom, limited government, and low taxes.”
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