Lee’s Summit CARES will offer a one-evening course designed to assist parents of young children this fall. “Positive Discipline Strategies for Young Children” will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at Great Beginnings Early Education Center, 905 NE Blue Stem. Registration for the course is encouraged by Sept. 4.
The class, which is $10 per person, is for parents of children from birth through age 6. It will include a brief overview of the recognized Love and Logic Parent program, the program’s techniques and philosophies. An additional five-week course based on these principles will be offered through Lee’s Summit CARES from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 24 through Oct. 22, also at Great Beginnings.
To register for the Sept. 10 course, visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/EarlyEducationDiscipline. You may also register by mailing a completed form, available at LSCares.org/parenting, to ReDiscover, c/o Bev Hatley, 1555 NE Rice Rd., Lee’s Summit, Mo., 64086. For more information about the one-evening course, the five-week class and scholarships for qualifying individuals, Lee’s Summit R-7 School District residents may contact Hatley at (816)-347-3259. If you live outside the school district boundaries, please contact Rachel Segobia, (816) 347-3298.
The course is approved for continuing education credit for child-care providers.
Lee’s Summit CARES has offered parenting education through the Love and Logic program for 19 years. The popular parenting courses have helped hundreds of families learn how to raise children using these successful strategies.
The local nonprofit is a community coalition dedicated to preventing youth substance use and violence, promoting exemplary character and empowering positive parenting. For more information, visit http://www.lscares.org/. You may also follow Lee’s Summit CARES on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.