Students leap over a jump rope while playing outside during LSR7’s annual Choose to Include event on Wednesday, September 20, 2023
December 30, 2023
From the LSR7 School District
Pleasant Lea Elementary first graders explore the outdoors on a scavenger hunt during a field trip to Paradise Park on Monday, October 16
The opening of Great Beginnings Early Education Center at Paradise Park to serve our littlest learners.
Sixth grader Gavin Sydness uses a bandsaw during Explorations in Industrial Technology on Tuesday, October 24 at East Trails Middle School
The breadth of subjects explored through the middle school sixth grade elective wheel.
Nutrition Services provided 1,000 cupcakes for the Open House at Lee’s Summit High School, all of which were eaten over the course of the event on Friday, September 22
The celebration of 150 years of high school in Lee’s Summit.
Third graders raise their hands during a spelling lesson about suffixes on Tuesday, October 3, at Sunset Valley Elementary
So many wonderful things happened this school year, and we’re only halfway through.
Air Force JROTC students from Lee’s Summit North High School ride in a Black Hawk military helicopter on Monday, October 23
Join us in counting down to 2024 with some of our favorite moments captured during the fall semester.
Mira Johnson smears a pie in P.E. and health teacher Ben Vinck’s face as her prize during the bonus round of Million Bazillion’s “Who Wants to be a Bazillionaire?,” a financial literacy game show, on Monday, September 11, at Bernard Campbell Middle School
We can’t wait to jump into January and see what opportunities await us in the new year!
Laila Nygaard grins as she finds the right pair of glasses at a OneSight Vision clinic on Monday, October 9
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