May 11, 2019
Mallory Herrmann
[email protected]

The Paragon Star Village development was on the agenda for the planning commission’s agenda again this week, but for the third time they requested a continuance.
Initially scheduled for a public hearing at the commission’s Apr. 11 meeting, the agenda item was continued to Apr. 25 and again to May 9. When Jason Norbury, the commission’s chair, learned that the developer had again requested a continuance late in the day on May 7, he wanted to know what the hang-up is.
“I would like the applicant here on the 23rd,” Norbury said, asking that they come speak to the planning commission even if it’s to request another continuance.
Ryan Elam, director of the city’s development center, explained that it’s a complex project that extends across multiple jurisdictions. The developer is also working with the city of Kansas City, which borders the mixed-use development, and they have a meeting scheduled for May 21. Elam suggested that the developer would prefer to meet with the planning commission after that meeting is completed.
Commissioner John Lovell said he didn’t think it was fair for the commission to question why the developer hadn’t yet appeared in front of them. He said he appreciated that they are trying to get as many issues ironed out as they can before bringing their preliminary development plan to the commission.
Totaling more than 630,000 square feet on 36 acres near Interstate 470 and View High Drive, the village is slated to include dining, retail, office, hotel and multi-family residential uses.
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