June 8, 2019

Mallory Herrmann
[email protected]
The city council has voted to approve the preliminary development plan for Paragon Star Village, a mixed-use development near Interstate 470 and NW View High Drive. Adjacent to the planned competitive youth soccer complex, the village is slated to include retail, dining, office space, a hotel and apartments on some 36 acres.
The project has drawn major concern from residents in both Lee’s Summit and Kansas City regarding the potential for flooding and the increased traffic on streets not equipped to handle it.
Will Dyson has been seeking answers regarding two CLOMR (certified letter of map revision) submissions that have been declined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). A CLOMR is needed in order for a developer to receive a 404 permit from the Army Corps of Engineers – and that’s required to start construction because the project will affect the Little Blue River, a navigable waterway.
Dyson is president of the Silvertooth Fahey Farms homeowners association, which represents a neighborhood located near Noland Road and 94th Street that has seen increased flooding since clearing work has began. He says Paragon Star has had plenty of time to provide a hydraulic map of the area, a request they have yet to complete and has led to FEMA’s decision to decline their CLOMR submissions.
Bill Brown, project coordinator for Paragon Star, said that they are still working through the process to obtain their CLOMR and to move forward with the right permits. He noted that there has been some clearing done in the area in preparation of the development, but that their permit for flood plain development from the city of Lee’s Summit has been suspended until the CLOMR and related permitting is completed. He didn’t see how the work they have done so far could have affected the flooded horse pastures that Dyson described a half-mile or so down the road.
“Nothing has been done that would have any affect on the floods,” Brown said.
“Just to be clear, you’re in a holding pattern now, just waiting for the permit?” asked Councilmember Fred DeMoro.
Brown said that is correct.
Mayor Bill Baird asked for clarification that no development work would move forward until that 404 is in hand, which city staff confirmed.
DeMoro said that it’s that fact that has given him assurance that no homeowners will be injured, through water issues or otherwise – and confidence to support the project after hearing from so many concerned residents throughout the public hearing process.
“I want to feel like I have a vote of confidence from the Paragon development staff that nothing’s going to happen until FEMA and everybody else says, ‘Yes, we’re good,” DeMoro said.
The city council voted unanimously to approve the project at their June 4 meeting. All councilmembers were present.
1 Comment
Shelly Givan
June 10, 2019 - 7:54 pmOf course they don’t think they are at fault for the floods. But yes, that’s how it works
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