December 25, 2021
Permit work will require the total closure of MO Route 7 (in both directions) just south of U.S. 50 (in front of Great American Bank) beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 7, until approximately 5 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 10. Crews will be replacing two box culverts that cross underneath MO Route 7. Motorists will need to follow the signed detour or alternate routes during this time. All work is weather permitting.
Please be patient and considerate to your fellow motorists. Use the zipper merge and take turns at merge points. Please remember that all work zones are NO PHONE ZONES. Buckle up. Phone down. Arrive Alive. For potential impacts to traffic, please review KC Scout cameras at http://www.kcscout.net or consult our real-time traffic partner, WAZE.
Motorists are reminded to slow down and pay attention while driving in work zones. Not all work zones look alike. Work zones can be moving operations, such as striping, patching or mowing. They can also be short term, temporary lane closures to make quick repairs or remove debris from the roadway.
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