Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced today that that Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office will be monitoring Jackson County polls all day tomorrow to help resolve any issues.

Jean Peters Baker

“We want to assure Jackson County citizens that our office will handle any complaints regarding fraud or other challenges to the integrity of a free and fair election,” Baker said.

Citizens are asked to call the Prosecutor’s Public Corruption Unit at (816) 881-3111 if they observe any irregularities including voter fraud or abuses of voter rights.

The prosecutor’s office has already notified all registered political parties, as well as both election boards.

Examples of irregularities might include: act or threat of violence towards a voter with the intent of denying that person the right to vote; knowingly telling a voter false information about voting for the purpose of preventing any person from going to the polls; bribing a voter to either vote for or against a specific candidate or issue; interfering or attempting to interfere with any voter inside a polling place.

In past elections, the Jackson County Prosecutor’s office has investigated improper campaigning at the polls as well as fraudulent votes. Baker stated that voters who believe they’ve been denied a chance to vote or have felt intimidated or harassed at polling places should contact the Public Corruption Unit immediately.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  • VLT

    November 6, 2018 - 11:55 am

    Jackson County Prosecutor monitoring election fraud? What set of statutes does the Prosecutor use since three different times the Jackson County Clerks office has published false claims to create the fraudulent ballot we find JC citizens are voting on today. Eight years ago I voted the current charter in and yet voters are presented illegal charter changes that are random questions made up by whomever against the majority vote of JC citizens, now without a charter commission process and two years short of the state statutes charter changes fraudulently undoing voter approval and perfection by the SOS officel So WHAT happens in two years when charter changes are expected on ballot by SOS?
    Or on May 28th when JC Clerk claimed empty ballot against two legally filled candidates in order to create a fraudulent primary just against the democratic nominee in JC leg. District, 3! Question is how did Franklin know to spend Thousands on billboards for his race over two weeks prior to the Clerks notice to open the ballot giving Franklin illegal entry on ballot?
    Or when JC Clerk falsely claimed special election giving illegal entry on ballot out of time on Sheriffs election! Question is when the False special election claim was in the planning stages, did Combat hold a contract with Forte after he left KC and if so how come it was never disclosed?
    So who thinks JC Prosecutor has the ability to monitor or investigate voter fraud in Jackson County?
    Take the log out of your own eye!

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