July 27, 2019
Back to school time is here and the checklist of “back to school” items is a long one. A comprehensive eye exam is one item that should always make the list.

An eye exam consists of more than just reading letters off of a chart. It also ensures the eyes are healthy and working together appropriately. In fact, the American Optometric Association reports that screenings that consist of just an acuity measurement miss up to 75% of vison problems. Many young children don’t understand the concept of “blurry” or think that headaches after reading are normal. Early intervention is crucial.
As a child develops, his brain will learn to accommodate a vision problem which can result in permanently decreased vision (amblyopia) or an eye turn (strabismus). In addition to making sure your child’s visual system is functioning at full capacity, a comprehensive eye exam will also ensure your child’s total ocular health, checking for things like conjunctivitis, blepharitis, retinal disease, and even cataracts.
Children with undiagnosed vision problems face many barriers in life that could be eliminated with one simple eye exam. Even if your child has been examined before, the American Optometric Association recommends annual eye exams for school-age children to ensure they are developing properly.
Fairway Eye Center in Raytown has state-of-the-art equipment and a caring team of doctors and staff that would love the opportunity to check your child’s eyes. For back to school, they have special deals, including $50 off a year’s supply of contact lenses or $50 off a complete pair of glasses with a comprehensive eye exam. (Cannot be used with insurance and expires 12/31/19) As an additional bonus, for every pair of glasses sold at Fairway Eye Center, they donate a portion of the sales to those in need around the globe, furthering access to essential eyecare.
Schedule an appointment with Fairway Eye Center today to ensure your child has all the necessary tools for success as they enter the classroom for another year!
Sarah Scoggin, OD is and eye doctor at Fairway Eye Center-Raytown located at 10215 E State Rte 350 in Raytown, MO 64138. The ofice can be reached at 816-313-5060.
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