August 20, 2022

This evening as I sit on the deck with my wife and dogs I’ve been reflecting on the day’s events and watching drama in people’s lives, most of it surrounding family.

Whether it’s our family, friends, neighbors, news, etc., what really comes from it that creates solutions? Last night I was watching the Royals game enjoying the young talent on the team and received a text from a friend about the text about the meltdown Alderman Greg Walters was having after receiving criticism for his actions on election day where he was stealing signs or knocking them in the ditch. Make no mistake I feel no sympathy for Greg at all because he creates situations out of thin air. In my personal life when I experience someone who frequently lives in negative world, I ask them what was the highlight of your day? Greg is a permanent resident of negative world and thrives on his blog that’s smothered in negativity.

Truth be known most of the anonymous posts are Greg acting as if he’s someone else to make it seem as if he has momentum to his cause. The reality is that the Raytown Board needs to censure Greg for his actions. The last vote for censure on Greg failed when Alderman Bill Van Buskirk abstained because he didn’t want to establish a precedent. Greg’s actions in the recent election deserve a response from the board. If he hadn’t created the drama he wouldn’t be living it. Raytown deserves better than Greg Walters who’s never offered a solution to anything and never had an original thought.

Joe Creamer, Raytown, MO
