August 12, 2023

Airing of the Quilts 2023
Join the Missouri Quilt Museum in Hamilton Missouri, decked out in more than a thousand quilts, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on August 18 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on August 19, 2023 for their annual Airing of the Quilts weekend.
Traditionally, throughout history, quilts were taken outside a few times a year to air them out to remove the accumulation of dust and build up during the winter months. Thus the Airing of the Quilts was born.
A $15 ticket available at is good for entry into the Missouri Quilt Museum and all additional indoor and outdoor display areas included in the Airing of the Quilts event.
• Missouri Quilt Museum
• Hamilton United Methodist Church
• Sacred Heart Catholic Church
• Apostolic Lighthouse Church
• Hamilton Community Theater
• JC Penney Boyhood Home
• JC Penney Museum
• Susie’s She Shed
• Morning Star Inn Cottage House
• Hotel Hamilton (Saturday only – quilts on auction and for sale)
In addition to these indoor locations, hundreds of quilts will be displayed by residents and businesses throughout the community.

Annual Quilt Sale and Silent Auction
Stop in the main gallery during the Airing of the Quilts at the Missouri Quilt Museum for the Annual Quilt Sale & Silent Auction.
Items to be auctioned include toy sewing machines, treadles, and quilts, quilts, quilts!
A big thank you goes out from the museum to the donors who are providing the items for the sale and auction.
While at the museum be sure to check out the new exhibits including: Tammy Reid Red White & Blue Quilts, WWII: Machines & Feedsacks, and Journal Your Life in Quilts. Also look for future exhibits:
August 22nd Let It Be Said In Red – Ann Hazelwood
September 19th Graffitti – Cherrywood Challenge
October 3 – Sarah Maxwell

Featherweight Raffle
This beautiful 1957 Singer Featherweight has been donated to the museum to raise funds for a new sidewalk and wheelchair ramp.
Restored and painted by David Grimes with free hand painting and finish work by Ginger Grimes. All this work was donated.
The machine was donated to the Grimes by Tracy Jolivette. Tracy wanted this machine to go to someone special. The Grimes reached out to Kelly Cline to find a home for this extraordinary machine and Kelly suggested to donate it to The Missouri Quilt Museum.
In addition to the Featherweight sewing machine, this raffle also has some bonus items including a late 1940’s, mostly feedsacks, hand quilted, trip around the world vintage quilt.
Each chance to win this beautiful machine is $10 and may be purchased at The drawing to be held on September 30, 2023 on Facebook LIVE
You do not have to be present to win. Shipping is free to the prize winner.
The Missouri Quilt Museum is located at 300 East Bird Street in Hamilton, Missouri. The museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is an admission charge. Buses and group tours are welcome.
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