SCA seventh grade student Ellie Hawes and third grade student Evelyn Hawes enjoyed some extra time with their Grandparents after SCA Grandparents’ Day 2024

Summit Christian Academy (SCA) recently welcomed over 1,000 grandparents to campus at the ever-popular Grandparents’ Day.

Grandparents and special friends were welcomed to the SCA Field House and Activity Center for a special program put on by Kindergarten – 12th grade students. All elementary students performed songs directed by their music teachers, and secondary band, orchestra, choral, and theater students performed specials as well. The event concluded with a finale of all students and grandparents invited to join together to sing in unison, “How Great Thou Art.”

SCA founding parent, former lunch lady, and current SCA grandmother Michell Hansen was the guest speaker at Grandparents’ Day, 2024. Michell is one of many grandparents in attendance who were initially SCA parents, but are now grandparents of second-generation Eagles as their SCA-graduate children have selected SCA for their grandchildren.