Dear Editor,
Lee’s Summit School Board needs to be transparent
I believe in transparency – as a taxpayer, I believe our Superintendent, District Officials and our school board should be assuring us, with a state audit, that all laws are being obeyed.
I do not believe our Superintendent is obeying all the laws. I believe our school board and our superintendent need to be obeying all the laws. I do not believe we should extend any contract to the superintendent until a state audit is completed.
I believe that no further legal representation should come from this law firm until a state audit is conducted. It’s my understanding we spent over $167,000 last year with this law firm and according to the state auditor findings in 2014, the school district has not procured competitive bids in an open and vetted process – which goes against Missouri State Statute – for the last six years. That’s a problem.
It’s pretty simple – I don’t understand why the Superintendent wouldn’t just agree and ask for a state audit – perception is reality. If he hasn’t done anything wrong – then he has absolutely nothing to hide with an audit.
Marlene Haley,
Lee’s Summit, MO