February 20, 2021
I am running for re-election for Mayor of Lake Lotawana.

I have served as Mayor for two years and prior to that for four years as a Ward One Alderman. I have been privileged to serve the City in these capacities and I am asking for your vote on April 6, 2021 to continue as Mayor.
My message is simple. I am Looking out for the long-term for all of Lake Lotawana.
In my first term as Mayor our city leadership was in transition. We hired a new City Administrator and made other changes to our staff, by adding a full-time Planning and Zoning Director, a full-time Accountant, and welcoming a new Police Chief and two full-time officers. We have begun work to address the Lotawana sewer plant, road maintenance, equipment needs, and the Facilities Building. We have also negotiated a shared service agreement with the Lake Lotawana HOA to bring City police patrols to the Lake Association roads. We have been working closely with our Foxberry residents to address needs with the HOA and CID. We have reviewed, modified, and approved new residential building plans on three plats of land south of Hwy 50, and construction has started on these new projects. In addition, the Barber Quarry was leased to the Hamm Company, and was re-opened after a few years of lying dormant.
Financially, the City has continued to perform admirably and has a strong audit process and outcome. The cash position of the City, under your Board’s stewardship, clearly illustrates a six-year trend of strong management. Year over year, budgets have shown revenues exceeding expenses, a fact best illustrated in our 2020 year-end financial statements with a $400,000 improvement over 2019 in our year-end cash position, ending with $2.4 Million across all four accounts.
With your votes in August 2020, we were able to pass a 1% sales tax which has begun to positively impact the City as of January 1. We were also able to pass a use tax which will have a positive impact in the future once we are able to collect on internet sales. This will lead us toward completing projects the Board has or may approve this year to improve our City’s infrastructure. This commitment will bolster financial stability for years to come.
I am requesting your vote to continue what has begun and to address new and future projects to the benefit of the City. Some of the plans I am or will be asking the Board to work on in a second term include the following:
• Quantrill’s Cove Water Management
• Lotawana Sewer Upgrade
• Quarry Operations Monitoring:
• Financial Management Improvements:
• Colbern Road and Hwy 7 Annexation:
• Foxberry CID and HOA support:
• Road Repairs:
• Use of City Equipment to save the City on outsourcing:
• New Sewer line to Proposed Annexed area:
• Complete the Facilities Building Improvement:
I would sincerely appreciate your support and vote for Mayor on April 6, 2021.
Mayor Tracy Rasmussen
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