The Missouri State Highway Patrol is taking part in the American Association of State Troopers’ “2020 America’s Best Looking Cruiser Contest” and invites the public to vote for the MSHP’s cruiser.
The 2020 MSHP submission features a marked, black MSHP Chevrolet Tahoe and marked, black MSHP Dodge Charger sitting on the field of Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, MO. The contest runs through 12 p.m. July 21. This year’s contest will be tabulated through the SurveyMonkey website. To cast your vote in the “2020 Best Looking Cruiser Contest” you can access the website link through the AAST Facebook page or go directly to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T9XVPN3 and scroll through the state agency photos. At the bottom of the page, please select “Missouri” as your favorite cruiser from the drop-down menu. Agency rankings will be posted on the Facebook page daily. Only votes made through SurveyMonkey will be official and recorded. You can vote once on each of your personal devices from now through 12 p.m., July 21, 2020.
“Likes” and comments are nice, but only votes for the Missouri State Highway Patrol photo via SurveyMonkey count for the Association of State Troopers’ contest. This is the seventh year of the AAST “Best Looking Cruiser Contest,” which is intended to be a fun competition between the states.
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