This school year, Lee’s Summit R-7 schools are engaging families, students, staff and community members around the development of a new Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP).

During the fall, they will ask community members about their priorities around short and medium term solutions to meet current capacity needs in the district. They will also focus on the community’s long term vision for developing learning environments that encourage future-ready learning for all students.

There are several ways to get involved in the process.

Districtwide community meetings will run throughout the fall semester. If you cannot attend these meetings, there are other opportunities to participate. Complete the online surveys and engage with them on social media using #R7FutureReady.

You can send questions or feedback to and they also have a webpage dedicated to the CFMP process at

The first online survey will be available on Monday, August 27. It will gather feedback on “current needs” and will be open through September 14. The survey link will be sent directly to all LS R-7 parents through SchoolMessenger. It will also be available through the social media platforms, the CFMP webpage and theeNews Update. The district says it is looking forward to your voice in the conversation.
