November 23, 2019

Mallory Herrmann

New residential lots are on track to become available in downtown Lee’s Summit.

The planning commission considered a proposal last week to convert two lots into six single-family properties. 510 NW Main features one existing home (a 1920 bungalow), while 6 NW Orchard is vacant.

Matt Schlicht of Engineering Solutions, LLC described the five additional lots as complementing the existing home’s architecture and design features, including the two-story bungalow style with a wide front porch, narrow driveway to the street and an exterior free from vinyl and metal siding or stucco.

The lots will be available for sale to owners looking to build in the downtown area; Schlicht estimates home prices in the $300,000 range. Individual plans from the builder will be reviewed by city staff to ensure compliance with the design standards.

The planning commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary development plan. The city council will decide whether to approve the plan next month.

Commissioners Mark Kitchens and Donnie Funk were absent from the Nov. 14 session.
