From left to right: Jay Edson, Blair Van Biber and Caleb Coffman

February 8, 2020

On Sunday, January 26, Boy Scout Troop 42 held an Eagle Scout Court of Honor to recognize three new Eagle Scouts: Caleb Coffman, Jay Edson and Blair Van Biber.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts. It is quite an accomplishment considering that the Boy Scouts of America reports that only about 7% of young men who enter the Scouting program attain Eagle.

To attain the Eagle Scout rank a Scout must work his way through the first five ranks by learning skills such as camping, first aid, and personal fitness. He must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, provide leadership to his troop, and plan and execute a community service project.

Jay Edson began his trail to Eagle as a Tiger with Pack 42 in 2008 and crossed over to Troop 42 in 2013 upon receiving Cub Scout’s highest award, the Arrow of Light. As a Scout in Troop 42, he has served as Quartermaster, Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.

Jay has earned 44 Merit Badges in addition to earning the World Conservation Award, the National Outdoor Activities Award in Camping, Totin’ Chip, has twice earned the 50 Miler Hiking Award and Philmont Arrowhead Patch, and a Silver and second Bronze Eagle Palm signifying his completion of 20 additional merit badges beyond the number required for the Eagle rank. He has participated in 104 nights of camping and logged more than 54 hours of community service.

Jay has attended Scout camp at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation for the past seven years and is a Warrior in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. He has earned additional responsibilities as a Tom-Tom Beater. His tribal name is Jubilant Jay Bird.

For his Eagle Scout Project, Jay constructed 350 feet of split rail fencing on the Lee’s Summit North High School cross country field. This fencing will serve as a guide for the runners on the course during competitions held there. The project totaled 92.5 hours of community service.

Jay is a senior at Lee’s Summit North High School. He is an active member of the National Honor Society and is competing this month at the leadership conference for the Future Business Leaders of America. His interests are website design and coding. He plans to attend the University of Missouri – Columbia this fall.

Jay follows in the legacy of his dad, his two brothers and his uncle who also achieved the Eagle Scout Rank.
