February 29, 2020

Raytown Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association will meet Monday March 9th at 12:30 pm for a luncheon meeting at the Raytown Schools Wellness Center. Dr. Travis Hux, Director of Support Services of the Raytown School District, will be our guest speaker. What’s for lunch: Fried Chicken Cost for lunch is $10. Please contact Noda Scherer for luncheon reservations. Reservations for lunch must be in by the end of the day Wednesday March 4th. Some other important dates are: Tuesday, March 3rd come join us at IHOP for breakfast at 8:30 am.

We invite you to “like” our Raytown Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association Facebook page. If you would like to be added to the email list to receive updates about MRTA, RRT & SPA or to receive information about the above activities, please send an email to rrtspa@gmail.com.
